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You're support makes a ripple effect!

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Flavio’s adventure to the U.S. began a few years ago when he left his nursing career in Chile. In search of a better life for his family, he arrived in a new land filled with dreams and uncertainties, ready to rebuild from the ground up.

B1C became his support network. Enrolling in a CPR class, Flavio quickly mastered the skills to become a certified instructor full-time. His determination and hard work soon led him to teach CPR classes nationwide, including at B1C.

But Flavio didn’t stop there. He joined B1C’s Immigrant Entrepreneurship Incubator (IEI) Program and was paired with a mentor who supported his entrepreneurial dreams. He also signed up for English tutoring classes to improve his English. With guidance, Flavio began creating his own business, merging his passion for healthcare with a desire to give back.

Today, Flavio is a community leader who trains others in essential life-saving skills. Flavio’s leadership has allowed hundreds of students to earn higher wages with their CPR certificates in hand.

Flavio’s example is a testament to resilience and the possibility of what can happen when you enable others with the tools they need to succeed.

Support changes lives, fuels economic growth, and strengthens our community!

Message du président du conseil d'administration et de la directrice générale

Chers amis,

The demand for jobs often filled by immigrants is skyrocketing. For instance, skilled healthcare positions are projected to grow by 20.7%, adding 820,500 new jobs by 2033*. Building One Community (B1C) empowers immigrants with vital skills to seize these opportunities across various sectors, including healthcare, landscaping, culinary arts, construction and more. It’s a win-win—enhancing career prospects for immigrants while filling essential roles in our economy.

Consider Flavio’s inspiring story. After leaving his nursing career in Chile, he discovered a new path at B1C. Here, he learned CPR, became a certified instructor, improved his English, and launched a business through our Immigrant Entrepreneurship Incubator (IEI) Program. Now, he’s not only a successful entrepreneur and community leader, but also an agent of empowerment, helping others earn higher wages and secure meaningful jobs, equipped with the life-saving skills and CPR certificates they gained from his training.

Since our inception, B1C has advanced the integration of over 18,000 immigrants and their families. Your support can transform challenges into opportunities for many like Flavio, giving them the tools to succeed and give back.

Please donate today to help us continue providing life-changing services. Together, we can create ripples of empowerment, change more lives and strengthen our economy.

Be The Lifeline. Support B1C’s Annual Appeal.

Avec gratitude,

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Elena Perez
Directeur Exécutif

Valeta Prendergast
Président du Conseil


Building One Community est un 501 (c) (3) organisme sans but lucratif. Les cotisations qu'on recoit sont déductibles d'impôts dans la mesure permise par la loi.

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Building One Community est un 501 (c) (3) organisme sans but lucratif. Les cotisations qu'on recoit sont déductibles d'impôts dans la mesure permise par la loi.

Soit en contact:

Suivez-nous sur les médias sociaux ou inscrivez-vous à nos lettres d'information.

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